Configuring CI Using GitLab and Nx

Below is an example of a GitLab pipeline setup for an Nx workspace only building and testing what is affected.

image: node:16 stages: - test - build .distributed: interruptible: true only: - main - merge_requests cache: key: files: - package-lock.json paths: - .npm/ before_script: - npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline - NX_HEAD=$CI_COMMIT_SHA - NX_BASE=${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA:-$CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA} artifacts: paths: - node_modules/.cache/nx workspace-lint: stage: test extends: .distributed script: - npx nx workspace-lint --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD format-check: stage: test extends: .distributed script: - npx nx format:check --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD lint: stage: test extends: .distributed script: - npx nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=lint --parallel=3 test: stage: test extends: .distributed script: - npx nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=test --parallel=3 --configuration=ci build: stage: build extends: .distributed script: - npx nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=build --parallel=3

The build and test jobs implement the CI workflow using .distributed as template to keep CI configuration file more readable.

Distributed CI with Nx Cloud

In order to use distributed task execution, we need to start agents and set the NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION flag to true.

Read more about the Distributed CI setup with Nx Cloud.

image: node:18 variables: CI: 'true' # Creating template for DTE agents .dte-agent: interruptible: true cache: key: files: - yarn.lock paths: - '.yarn-cache/' script: - yarn install --cache-folder .yarn-cache --prefer-offline --frozen-lockfile - yarn nx-cloud start-agent artifacts: expire_in: 5 days paths: - dist # Creating template for a job running DTE (orchestrator) .base-pipeline: interruptible: true only: - main - merge_requests cache: key: files: - yarn.lock paths: - '.yarn-cache/' before_script: - yarn install --cache-folder .yarn-cache --prefer-offline --frozen-lockfile - NX_HEAD=$CI_COMMIT_SHA - NX_BASE=${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA:-$CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA} artifacts: expire_in: 5 days paths: - node_modules/.cache/nx # Main job running DTE nx-dte: stage: affected extends: .base-pipeline script: - yarn nx-cloud start-ci-run --stop-agents-after="build" - yarn nx-cloud record -- yarn nx workspace-lint --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD - yarn nx-cloud record -- yarn nx format:check --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD - yarn nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=lint --parallel=3 & yarn nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=test --parallel=3 --configuration=ci & yarn nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=e2e --parallel=3 & yarn nx affected --base=$NX_BASE --head=$NX_HEAD --target=build --parallel=3 # Create as many agents as you want nx-dte-agent1: extends: .dte-agent stage: affected nx-dte-agent2: extends: .dte-agent stage: affected nx-dte-agent3: extends: .dte-agent stage: affected